A Research Invitation for Families Affected by Problem Gambling 12/3/2017 All Categories Addiction Behavioral Health Credit Counseling Dental Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Feel Good Friday Health Center Recovery Stigma Substance Use Disorder William White compulsive gambling gambling gambling addiction gaming Research scientists at Sheffield Hallam University?are undertaking an international study designed to document the lives of family members, friends or loved ones of people who have experienced problem gambling. The survey?explores the impact of problem gambling on different family members, the coping strategies they use and their help seeking behavior. The purpose of this study is to gather information about the experiences of family members, with a view to informing the education, prevention and treatment of gambling related harm.Participation in this survey is voluntary, anonymous and confidential. The survey can be accessed through the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/8W5CMR2You may email Dr. James Banks J.Banks@shu.ac.uk if you would like a hard copy of the survey or if you have any questions.I encourage any one with lived family experience of problem gambling to participate in this study.