Chestnut Health Systems' prevention programs provide community-based education and training programs to all age groups. Prevention is everyone's business.
Whether you are a student, parent, educator, health professional, civic leader, business person, or concerned citizen, you can play a role in prevention.
As children grow and become more independent, they address temptations and dangers that can affect their health and safety, like alcohol and other drugs. To address this in McLean County, Chestnut Health Systems works with two coalitions, BN Parents and the Bloomington-Normal Community Campus Committee, to develop and deliver community-based prevention education and training programs.
Throughout the years, we have come to realize it truly does take a community to reduce the harms related to substance use. Whether you are a student, parent, educator, health professional, civic leader, businessperson, or concerned citizen, taking an active role in supporting positive decision-making does make a difference.
We encourage you to explore what is happening with BN Parents and the Bloomington-Normal Community Campus Committee to determine how you can best assist with our prevention efforts.
BN Parents
BN Parents is a broad-based coalition focused on reducing underage substance use and related harms among high school students in the Bloomington-Normal area. In partnership with the five area high schools, BN Parents has been delivering support information to parents since 2012 and teens since 2017.
The coalition has two developed websites and and multiple other social media channels delivering messaging to parents and teens. A favorite of parents is the BN Parents Facebook page.
Bloomington-Normal Campus Committee (BNCCC)
The BNCCC was formed in 2005 to address issues related to the misuse of alcohol by college students in Bloomington/Normal. The overall mission, which now applies to local teens and pre-teens as well as college students, is to reduce substance use among Bloomington-Normal students. To accomplish this, the BNCCC works to bring stakeholders from across the community together to improve outcomes for students and families.
Information on the overall coalition can be found at
To learn about the efforts currently taking place in our community or become involved, please contact Liz Hamilton via email at
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