Chestnut Health Systems offers the following community and professional training programs, which vary by location.
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (ATOD)
Information and training for professionals, community organizations, churches, law enforcement agencies, workplace and schools on substance use and prevention topics such as:
- Effects of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other drugs on health, behavior, and society
- Prenatal effects of alcohol and other drugs
- Signs and symptoms of substance abuse
- Addictions and the family
- Drinking, drugging and driving
- Media impact on alcohol and tobacco use
- Risk factors for substance abuse, delinquency, and teen pregnancy
- Prevention strategies
Prevention Services Youth Programs
Chestnut Health Systems' prevention team offers programs for youth in the following areas:
- Life Skill Education - An eight-session program for adolescents on topics such as decision making, communication, peer pressure, stress management, and conflict resolution.
- Peer Leadership Training
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