Walking In Beauty on the Red Road: A Holistic Cultural Treatment Model for American Indian and Alaska Native Adolescents and Families
Authors: Sabin, C., Benally, H., Bennett, S. & Jones, E.
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Author Contact Information:
Dr. Candice Sabin
This manual is designed as a foundation for substance abuse treatment programs to develop and replicate alcohol and other drug treatment for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) adolescents and families. This model was formulated for rural programs that may wish to adapt this model to fit local need. This treatment manual provides insight into how to interweave indigenous cultural beliefs and healing ceremonies with Westernized treatment approaches (e.g. cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, and crisis debriefing techniques).
This manual encapsulates our hope for AI/AN people to write and implement their own cultural evidence-based treatment models. It is important for AI/AN people have a voice in the style and manner that treatment is assessed and implemented.
Some of the following topics discussed in the manual are as follows:
- An Overview of AOD and Behavioral Health Status
- General Theoretical Assumptions of AI/AN adolescent
- Treatment Design and Delivery of the Model
- Culturally Appropriate Communication & Interaction
- Specific Cultural Teachings & Western Therapeutic Approaches
- Cultural Identity Skill Development
- Treatment Program Modules
- The Language of Spiritual Dialogue
- Family Violence Prevention & Interventions